Sending Emails From Your Website

The most frequent method of sending emails is through the PHP mail() function. It's the default email setting for almost all scripts. There is no configuration required to utilize the mail() function. You can send emails by simply pressing the function. Here's an example of how it works:

mail() example

What to Consider Before Using mail() Function!

Although it is the simplest method of sending emails, it is not the most efficient. The majority of the scripts in Free2Host control panel's Script Installer are taken care of, but there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure the best possible email delivery.

  • From Header: An email must have a valid From Header. From, To, Date headers are mandatory. All email servers reject emails which do not contain any of these headers.
  • Default Domain: Always use default domain under your sender address; the domain that you have registered e.g. If you registered "", your sender address should be something like "[email protected]". This ensures best possible outcome for email delivery.
  • Large Volumes: Sending large volumes of emails is prohibited on Free2Host's free hosting. It means that you can send only individual emails from both PHP mail() function and Webmail.
  • Email Types: Only certain types of emails are allowed to be sent from our email servers. Currently, you can send only Registration, Client Confirmation and Activation emails.
  • How do we know what kind of email is passing through:  Outgoing emails are filtered on the basis of email templates. The above mentioned types of emails will get passed and delivered. All other emails including Contact request, newsletters, notifications and updates etc. will be ignored.
  • Best Effort Basis: All emails are sent on best effort basis. Which means there is no 100% gurantee that all emails will be delivered.

Why Do We Impose Email Restrictions?

We offer shared hosting as well as free subdomains. It's a harsh reality that some people are attempting to take abusive advantage of our service. If we enable more than limited functionality, we risk losing our reputation and having our domains blocked by search engines and social media platforms.

Overall, we strive to keep our services clear and accessible to the general public.

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