HTTP Internal Server Error 500

HTTP ERROR 500 is a generic error that occurs from time to time. It usually indicates that something is wrong with the page you're on or that the website's programming has a glitch.

The other cause of this error might be termorary downtime of the website.

You might see it in the following way.

How to fix it?

The first thing you want to do is to try to refresh the page 2-3 times, if the page loads fine after that, the error was temporary and your website should load just fine.

If you still see the error page, there is probably something wrong with the code of your website script. To know what's wrong in this case, you need to enable PHP errors. There are several ways to enable PHP errors:

  • Login to your control panel and go to Alter PHP Config > Select your domain > click Alter PHP Directives > Set Display Errors to On > click Alter PHP Directives again. Now reload the page and check if any error message appears. There will also be reference to the file and line on which error occured.
  • If you still see a error 500 page, you need to manually override the error reporting settings in your PHP script. To do so, add the following snippet to the top of your PHP script/file:
  • ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL);

    Reload the page and check for the errors.

  • If you are still unable to see the errors messages, it is because your script is, somehow, overriding the settings. If your script has an Admin Panel, look for debug mode there and enable it. This would enable the error reporting.
  • In case of wordpress, you can enable error messages by configuring wp-config.php file and changing define( 'WP_DEBUG', false ); to define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );. You can find more details about debugging on wordpress.

Hopefully, above mentioned methods will provide you with the real error details and help you figure out the real cause of the problem and solve it. If you still have any questions in mind, you can ask on our Community Forum.

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